True North Aboriginal Partnership
What words can describe the horror and the pain of residential school survivors?. Over the last several decades I have met and listened to their stories and still can't comprehend the depth of
what they endured.
True north Aboriginal Partnership has spent years building trusting relationships with First Nations people because the issue of abuse is still occurring.
The systemic abuse of First Nations people is not just a government matter but one that as Canadians we all have a duty to address. Canadians need to hold their governments to account and pressure
them to keep their promises and legal treaties. The government must stop fighting First Nations in court over settlements awarded by Canada's Human Rights Commission related to abuse of First
Nations. People of faith whose ancestors were responsible for much of the abuse suffered in residential schools must step up, seek pathways to reconciliation and provide supports to the people and
their communities many of whom live in deplorable housing conditions and poverty. The Canadian government made an apology for the wrongs done in residential schools but it appears they were just
words; "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS." Government actions to date do not measure up to their apology. Local governments also can be part of the solution; one way they can help is at the gathering
of the mayors: invite the leaders in First Nations communities that border your cities and towns, and ask them to participate and outline how reconciliation will help them and their communities to
connect and prosper.
It's not just about funds, although they are needed; it's about inclusion, respect, and a love for the First Nations people without conditions. If there is anything that Covid-19 has taught us it is
that we need each other.